Tuesday 12 June 2012

New Way Of Crossing Roads in Nigeria

New way of Crossing Roads in Nigeria

Look Left,look Right,look left again,then look up to see if a Plane is coming down on you and then look down cause you might just be stepping on a Bomb.


Saturday 9 June 2012

Hurting Real Bad

Sometimes When It's getting sweet, You think He/She Is different and you tend to fool yourself . .. But NO, They are not, He/She wants to be with you for one reason and if the reason is out. You're history. Don't Ever Trust Anyone Especially When they seem sweet and act like they care... .( Even Your Family ) They Obviously Don't Care For A Sec... PEOPLE WHO ACTS ARE JUST LIKE THE CIA AGENTS... THEY ARE LIARS..

Really Hurt This Morning..

Have a Blessed Sunday

Tuesday 5 June 2012

06/06/2012 Update

Another Lazy Wednesday !!! 

Wishing my lecturer would take the month off and just come for the exams. We only had 4 classes all semester and we're expecting an exam... Seriously, I don't know where this is going with Regent. Thought this was suppose to be a Private University, But it's operation looks exactly like a typical Nigerian Public Universities. Where lecturers choose to come any time they want and teach about 5 times in 16 weeks semester... 

Have a Glorious Day Peeps!! 

05/06/2012 Self Thought

I'm not surprised, not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track ... Talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up, then I let myself down I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought, I thought of every possibility... And someday I know it'll all turn out And I'll work to work it out... 

6/June/2012 Update

It's a Beautiful Morning!! Lord see me through this remaining 25 days, So can't wait to be home!!

Sometimes i feel so happy thinking i'll be home and sometimes i feel so sad and moody, with so much tragedies going on in Nigeria.  Several Tragedies and Killings happening every day and the government making things worst with their dumb policies. I love my Country no be lie, But sometimes, I felt bad been born there.

Monday 4 June 2012

Dream Of A Young Scholar In Africa

Dont doubt this when this young dull kid wants to be African Youngest Billionaire... Mark Zuckerberg did it with just a simple website. Do i say its Luck or Just Simple Innovation . God knows the Best (( Still Pondering ))

Been in Africa isn't really one of the best place for Youth and Kids to be emotionally and intellectually motivated, with the government inability to spend more on researches and provide Standard Reliable Uninterrupted Education, It's seems pretty impossible. For this Young scholar, it seems also very impossible to hit the millionaire mark. God knows Best. Just a Blog to keep my Dream in the Wonderland and Aim for my Goal.

Keep up with the reading and watch out of QuickSilver.. he's coming to your doorstep.

Saturday 26 May 2012


Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics.  He is the son of Magneto, the twin brother of the Scarlet Witch, and the paternal half-brother of Polaris.

Powers and abilities

Quicksilver is a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds. Originally capable of running at the speed of sound; exposure to the High Evolutionary's Isotope E made it possible for the character to run at supersonic speeds of up to Mach 5 and resist the effects of friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact while moving at super-speeds. The character's speed allows him to perform feats such as create cyclone-strength winds; run up walls and cross bodies of water. Quicksilver loses his powers of speed when his sister alters reality, but gains new powers courtesy of the Inhumans' Terrigen Mist. The mist gives Quicksilver the ability to displace himself out of mainstream time and space and "jump" into the future. The character can summon several time-displaced duplicates of himself and appear to teleport by "jumping" into the future and then returning to the present at a new location. By voluntarily embedding fragments of the Terrigen Crystals into his own body, the character could empower former mutants with extreme versions of their superhuman abilities. The effect, however, was usually fatal. The crystals are subsequently forced from the character's body by the mutant Rictor, leaving him without these abilities. Quicksilver inexplicably regains his mutant superspeed powers after having a series of hallucinations.

Mighty Avengers

Quicksilver appears in the title The Mighty Avengers and is used as a pawn by Elder God Chthon, with the character's spirit trapped in the arcane tome called the Darkhold. The Avengers defeat Chthon, and Quicksilver's consciousness is "downloaded" into the body of Vision, before being restored to his own body. Quicksilver joins the team after learning that it is Wanda (Asgardian god Loki in disguise) who brought the team together. After the events of the Secret Invasion storyline the character is publicly exonerated of former crimes, with an unknown Skrull being blamed (although Henry Pym, Maximoff's daughter Luna, and Avengers butler Jarvis are aware of the lie). Quicksilver also resumes wearing his original green costume. Quicksilver loses the respect of daughter Luna when he lies to the Inhumans and claims that many of his past actions were actually perpetrated by a Skrull impostor.
Quicksilver finally learns that the person he thought was his sister is actually Loki in disguise. Enraged, he and the rest of the team travel to the Isle of Silence to set a trap for the god of mischief. After imprisoning Loki in a device designed by Hank Pym, he begins torturing the god for information about Wanda's whereabouts. Loki offers no information about her and manages to contact Thor to beg for his help. Thor arrives and attacks Quicksilver for the way he is treating Loki. He is able to outrun the thunder god's lightning but is eventually overpowered. He is one of the Avengers who joins Hercules, Amadeus Cho and their allies in an assault on Olympus Group Headquarters. He battles Amazon warrior women alongside Zeus and helps a wounded Wolverine defeat the Huntsman, stabbing him through the chest with his own weapon.
Quicksilver is later summoned by the Ghost using Amadeus Cho's technology, to defend Asgard against the Thunderbolts. He single handedly defeats Mister X who is in possession of the Spear of Odin. Mr. X isn't able to react quickly enough despite his abilities and Quicksilver viciously beats him down with a piece of debris. He is seen alongside the other Avengers against the Void-possessed Sentry in the events of Siege.